torsdag 10. januar 2008

Et skuffet Internett

Hillary klarte altså i en blanding av aggressivitet, tårer og sjarm klarte å vinne tilbake New Hampshire! Man kan mene hva man vil, og jeg ville nå foretrukket at Obama hadde vunnet, men en god ting med resultatet er iallfall alle syrlige kommentarer som kommer i etterkant fra Obamafansen. Her er noen frustrerte høydepunkter fra

Om New Hampshire:

"Attention New Hampshire: Fuck you."

"New Hampshire: You're on notice. One more screw-up, and you're out of the U.S"

"Fuck it! That's it, stop this country I want to get off"

"I demand a hand recount." (Mange av kaukusene måler ved håndsopprekning, Henrik anm.)

"I'm learning not to expect too much from my fellow Americans. These are the same people who brought you the internet bubble, telecom bubble, housing bubble, and a second term for GWB. To boot, they're surprised when each of these events ends badly.

WTF indeed!!"

Om Hillary:

"Lady Vader, your ship is ready."

"I suppose crying DOES get you want you want........"

"but...but.... She got weepy. We HAD to vote for her..."

Og en kommentar som jeg tror treffer spikeren på hodet:

"I think voters are sick of the media telling them who the winner of an election is before the election is complete."

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